Foreigners can apply for a Vietnam Criminal Record either when they are abroad or in Vietnam, applying for a Vietnam Criminal Record online and submitting paper documents are also acceptable and easy to do. Each way of submission will be a little different from the procedures, requirements, time and fees. There are 2 types of judicial record card in Vietnam, which is form No 1 and No 2, so depending on the purpose of use, foreigners should find out carefully before applying for. In this article, we would like to share the fastest way to obtain the Vietnam Criminal Record and who is eligible applying for Vietnam criminal record.


When requesting/ applying a Vietnam Criminal Record certificate, Vietnamese citizens permanently or temporarily residing in Vietnam, Vietnamese citizens residing abroad and foreigners residing in Vietnam or overseas are entitled to Choose 01 of 04 following ways:

  1. Submit the Vietnam Criminal Record application and receive the result of Vietnam Criminal Record directly at the Department of Justice;
  2. Send the Vietnam Criminal Record application, required documents and receive a criminal record certificate via postal service;
  3. Submit the Vietnam Criminal Record application directly to the Justice of Department and receiving the result of Judicial Records Card through the postal service;
  4. Submit the application via postal service and receive the Vietnam Criminal Record at the Department of Justice.


Based on the regulation, the most common ways that both Vietnamese and foreigner applying for a Vietnam criminal record certificate in or outside Vietnam, below is the popular way and detailed steps to obtain a Vietnam Criminal Record by Paper Application

► Detailed steps to apply for Vietnam Criminal Record by Paper Application

Step 1: Collecting documents for Vietnam Criminal Record

Obviously, passport and Vietnam visa or Vietnam temporary residence card (TRC) are always by your side. The other important document which may takes you a lot of time is the Temporary residence registration. This certificate must be confirmed by a local police where they are living. Sometimes the landlord support you the get it, but sometimes you have to do by yourself.


Step 2: Filling out the Vietnam Criminal Record Application Form

If you already have passport, Vietnam visa/ TRC, Temporary residence registration with you, the next step is to fill the form. The form must be filled correctly and consistent with the documents you will submit to the Department of Justice. The required information in the form are:

  • Your personal information
  • Residential address in your home country
  • Temporary address in Vietnam
  • Phone number and email
  • Full name – Date of birth of your father
  • Full name – Date of birth of your mother
  • Full name – Date of birth of your spouse (if any)
  • History of your residence from the age of 14 (including period of time, address, job and workplace)
  • Which type of Vietnam criminal record you wish to apply? – Number 1 or Number 2
  • Purpose of doing Vietnam criminal record


 Step 3: Submitting the documents of Vietnam Criminal Record into the Department of Justice of the province or city where applicant is residing.  

Here are the requirements for Vietnam Criminal Record submitting to the Justice of Departments

  1. A  Criminal Record Application Form with your signature;
  2. An original and a copy of passport;
  3. An original and a copy of a valid Vietnam visa or Vietnam Temporary residence card;
  4. A copy of Vietnam entry stamp;
  5. An original and a copy of Temporary residence registration confirmed by a local police for foreigners
  6. The fee for Vietnam Criminal Record

Within 1 working day upon the date of document receiving, Department of Justice shall deliver the request of identifying criminal record information attached with 01 set of documents to the competent authorities. In case of refusal, a notice of explanation shall be informed


Step 4: Receiving a result of Vietnam Criminal Record Card by coming to pick up at the Justice of Department

The normal processing time for issuance of a Vietnam Criminal Record card is from 15 to 20 days from the date of submission.


Online Registration Services of Vietnamese Judicial Records/ Criminal Records apply for the following cases:

  1. Vietnamese citizens permanently or temporarily residing in Vietnam;
  2. Vietnamese citizens who now residing in foreign country;
  3. Foreigners residing in Vietnam.


► Detailed steps to apply for Vietnam Criminal Record by Online Application

Step 1: Collecting documents for Vietnam Criminal Record

As mentioned above, applying for Vietnam Criminal Record depends on the purpose of use, so the applicant should choose a suitable Criminal Record card No 1 or No 2. In addition, applicants also provide all personal information and documents for evaluation and synthesis in advance.


Step 2: Filling out the Application Form Online for Vietnam Criminal Record

It is like step 2 in the section prepare for Paper application.


Step 3: Submitting the documents of Vietnam Criminal Record into the Department of Justice of the province or city where applicant is residing.

Almost all the documents submitted via online application are copies, not originals for comparison. The following documents need to submit to the Justice Department or the National Center for Judicial Records of Ministry of Justice

  1. Vietnam Criminal Record Application Form;
  2. Scan copy of current passport;
  3. Scan of the newest Vietnam visa.


Step 4: Receiving a result of Vietnam Criminal Record Card by through the postal service

The normal processing time by online application for issuance of a Vietnam Criminal Record card is from 7 to 10 days from the date of submission.

Remember that the Vietnam Criminal Record which is issued by Vietnam government, when using in overseas/ abroad for personal purposes, it must be translated, legalized and notarized in accordance with the law of Vietnam and foreign laws.


The competent authority managing Database of Criminal Record may refuse to issue a Vietnam Criminal Record if:

  1. The issuance of Vietnam Criminal Record is out of their competence;
  2. The person requesting Vietnam Criminal Record for another does not meet the conditions of Vietnam laws;
  3. There is not enough or counterfeit documents attached with the Criminal record request form;
  4. The information in the Criminal Record request form is false;
  5. For reasons of public security and national defense.

Where the Vietnam Criminal Record issuance is refused by Vietnamese authorities, a notice of explanation shall be informed.


  • Vietnam Police Check For Foreigner Living In Vietnam
  • Procedure To Apply For Vietnam Police Check Certificate
  • Steps To Obtain Vietnamese Criminal Records for foreigner who living in or outside Vietnam
  • How To Apply Work Permit In Viet Nam
  • How To Apply Work Permit Extension
  • How To Apply For Vietnam Visa On Arrival
  • How To Apply For Visa Extension In Vietnam
  • How to apply for Extension of Temporary Residence Card
  • Procedures For Lost Vietnam Temporary Residence Card
  • Vietnam Temporary Residence Card For Foreigner’s Relative
  • Who Can Get Vietnam Temporary Residence Card

For further information please contact:
Discovery Indochina Travel Co., Ltd
5th Floor | Platinum Building | 145 Dien Bien Phu Street, District 1 | Ho Chi Minh City | Vietnam
Tel: 028 39102358 | 028 39102359  Mobile: 0938228856 | 0906640505 |
